How Do You Progress?

We will show you step by step.


When a student has mastered specified Taekwondo belt level requirements, and has met the minimum training times, as set by the Kukkiwon, he/she will be given a recommendation for a belt promotion.  At the testing event, an application form for a promotion test is forwarded to a qualified instructor

Requirements Reached

At the promotion test the student’s technical skills, which include compulsory forms, sparring, breaking & other special techniques, attitude and general background knowledge will be evaluated and graded by a Promotion Board that consists of  Taekwondo Masters, Instructors and qualified Black Belts. A passing score is 60 points or higher.

Promotion Test

According to the Kukkiwon regulations & articles will explain a few of the procedures and requirements involved in obtaining an official certificate, either for a color belt, or a black belt. 

Taekwondo Belt System

Taekwondo belt system is consists of 5 colored belts, which represent your different grades, they are:

Our Extra Activities

Beside sports/martial art Taekwondo, we are conducting the following extra activities to break the monotony of training and to develop a strong bong among the instructors, students, teachers and parents.